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We recover the arts as tools to facilitate creative processes that transform realities.

Creativity as the engine of collective development in encounters with others, building scenarios of freedom that allow us to test alternate scenarios for change.

The artistic languages are available to all - democratizing free access to the production of culture, a right that belongs to all of us.

​We understand art as the possibility of becoming creators and protagonists, a tool that gives us the opportunity to rethink our practices, habits and thoughts. The ability to create life, to learn from our experience and live better.



We enable playful spaces of artistic creation, stimulating an awakening of the senses as a gateway to our body and to the knowledge of ourselves.

We build environments of respect, security and trust in which people can connect with their present and their history, with their fantasies, emotions and desires.

​We interweave disciplines and forms of knowledge: art therapy, education for art, the theater of oppressed people, the dance therapy of Maria Fux and Anna Halprin, living education, conscious nurturing and yoga nourish us for the design of creative methodologies of action and reflection that combine the potential of different artistic languages: plastic arts, theater, movement, music and creative writing.


What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy uses art as a creative tool for emotional work with oneself. Art as a facilitator of creative processes to say what needs to be said in ways other than verbal, managing to escape the censorship of the mind. Symbols that express in metaphors the present, the history, that which seeks a change. Plastic arts, theater, music, movement and creative writing are languages that allow trans-form, create new forms to what happens to the person. Bodies, emotions and words intertwined in the creative impulse that makes it possible to put out something of that interiority that suffers.

This expressive movement materializes in works of art

that are mirrors of its creators.

Mirrors where they look to learn from themselves in a dialectic spiral in which the works return information that leads to new readings and creations.

In the art therapy process, the person has the possibility of experiencing himself as a creator and creative, being the protagonist of his own healing process.

Art at the service of therapy, i.e. opening the game to action so that reflection on what has been done can then take place. First doing and feeling; then saying to build knowledge about oneself. Artistic languages function as bridges that help to say: they unite the shore of the inner world with the shore of the outer world.



Matias Garber

Art Therapist and founder of PIA. Facilitator of processes in cultural and educational projects, trainer of facilitators in Latin America and Europe. He researches creative languages of expression and self-knowledge interweaving body, art and theory in the practice of various disciplines such as yoga, contact improvisation, dance therapy, creative writing, theater and psychoanalysis.

Travel is the most powerful tool he finds to connect with his desire and grow by sharing with people around the world.

Art Therapist Graduated from the First Argentine School of Art Therapy, Vinyasa Yoga Instructor, studied sociology at the University of Buenos Aires and played basketball for 15 years.

Julia García

Empirical learner and hardened traveller. Founder of PIA, where she facilitates creative processes of change and training in educational, community and independent environments in Latin America and Europe.

Passionate about the transforming power of art, she devotes herself to researching and developing creative methodologies combining plastic arts, theatre, creative writing and movement.

She studied Art Education at the Vocational Art Institute; Design at the University of Buenos Aires and continued her training in theatre, drawing, contemporary dance, dance therapy and ceramics at artistic institutions in Buenos Aires. She is a graphic designer and Vinyasa Yoga Instructor.

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